Elias Grünewald

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Elias Grünewald and I am a research associate in the group of Information Systems Engineering at TU Berlin. There I research and teach on topics like privacy engineering, cloud computing, and the interaction between computer science and society.

With whom are you collaborating (Partner)?

In my research and projects, I work with different partners; among them are different research facilities, companies, and public institutions, depending on the project’s requirements. At Software Campus I do collaborate with Software AG, we do specialize in microservice architecture and business processes.

Since when are You a participant at Software Campus and why do you attend this program?

Since summer 2022, I’ve been part of the Software Campus. I chose this program because it offers a great opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary environment and network with different industry partners and other participants.

What is your IT-Project about – core topic – and how could it be used in the long run?

I do lead the project TOUCAN (Transparency in Cloud-Native Architecture and Engineering) and research together with four research assistants. We work on legal and technical transparency in cloud-based systems, based on European privacy regulation and beyond. We merge technology and law to protect the users’ privacy in complex IT systems. Particularly, we would like to understand and know when, for what, and how long personal data are saved or shared.

Imagine the following scenario: There is an internet breakdown for a whole month. What would you do?

Oh, that would be an interesting period! I would probably take the chance to focus myself more on making music, meeting friends and family members or to travel.

Next to your job and Software Campus, what makes your heart beat faster?

I am politically engaged, especially regarding topics of science policy, higher research and education institutions, as well as sustainability. I have already been a representative in different advisory boards and initiatives.


Source language of this interview: German