Isaiah Mulang’ Onando

Who are you and what are you doing? Who are your partners?
I am a data scientist and a doctoral candidate within the Semantic Data Analytic group at the university of Bonn. I am a research scientist at Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligence Analysis and Information Systems (IAIS). I carry my research on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Graphs. For my Software Campus project I am working with DATEV as my industry partner, to provide a system for Question Answering over domain Knowledge Graphs.

What do you expect from the Software Campus?
I love the objective of the Software Campus program that entails providing a platform for networking with peers in research as well as learning from well established industry partners. Coupled with the opportunity to implement my project idea, I feel that Software Campus offers me an opportunity I would rarely find elsewhere.

What is the content of your IT project and how could it be used in the future?
In a nutshell, we are developing a Question Answering (QA) interface for Accessing a Domain Knowledge Graph (KG). The KG is derived from text (documents) in a given domain, then the user can query this in his own natural language using the QA interface.

What fascinates you about computer science?
The fact that Computer Science is an integral discipline that provides tools for solving challenges found in all other areas of life including medicine, agriculture, manufacturing and many more.

What did you like most about the Software Campus so far?
I find the mentoring from my industrial partner very exciting, which gives me new insights into relevant cooperate practices that will assist my leadership skills.

What is your heart beating for – besides your job and software campus?
For my family and my home country.

What skills do you think a top manager must have today to be successful?
An understanding of how things work. A balance of technical skills, interpersonal & communication skills, decision making, and innovation. The modern day workplace is largely multicultural with ever changing environments. As such the manager must be well equipped with the above basics to adapt accordingly . I believe that the Software Campus helps to develop some of these skills.

Do you have an idol – if so, who is it?
I follow people who embody the basic principles of hardwork, ingenuity and openness.