Name of the participant: Lara Marie Reimer
Beschreibung des IT-Forschungsprojekts: The effects of physical activity on both physical and mental health are a widely researched field. Various studies have demonstrated positive effects on health itself, health-related areas of life, functional capacity as well as a positive influence on mood [1; 2].This research project will investigate various sensors for Human Activity Recognition and Mobile Motion Tracking that can be used by the general population for daily needs. These sensors and their data, which act as “digital biomarkers”, open up a wide range of applications in the field of prevention of injuries and diseases as well as accompanying therapy and for rehabilitation. The focus of this project is on the use of new technologies such as Apple ARKit/Vision, which enable optical body tracking on iOS devices, and wearables that allow continuous monitoring. In the medical context, there is currently a lack of solutions that allow a qualitative assessment of physical activity and are accessible to the general population. This is especially true for the analysis of the correct execution of movements.
In order to evaluate the possibilities of such mobile applications based on commercially available sensors, different sensors will be analysed and compared in this project. By means of prototypical applications, opportunities and possible applications of mobile motion tracking in the areas of prevention, therapy support and rehabilitation will be demonstrated in various use cases.
Software Campus partners: TU München, Zeiss Gruppe
Implementation period: 01.02.2021 – 31.01.2023
[1] W. B. Kannel and P. Sorlie, “Some health benefits of physical activity: The framingham study,” Archives of Internal Medicine, vol. 139, no. 8, pp. 857–861, 08 1979.
[2] A. Penedo and F. Ja, “Exercise and well-being: a review of mental and physical health benefits associated with physical activity,” Current Opinion in Psychiatry, vol. 18, pp. 189 – 193, 2005.