Name of the participant: Max Limper
Description of the IT research project: The visualization of heterogeneous 3D geodata in a common context is a technically demanding challenge. Elements to be visualized can be 3D scans from photogrammetric methods, terrain models, 3D city models from cadastral data or context-specific abstract data. A common standard as a uniform 3D data format was missing until now. In addition, browser-based visualization is continuously gaining in importance, which in turn brings new technical challenges with regard to the 3D data formats to be used.
Within the scope of the Software Campus project IWI3D, a prototype web application was developed in cooperation with the Deutsche Post DHL Group, which visualizes the attractiveness of an area for specific target groups on a microcellular basis in a 3D city model. Decision-makers can thus interactively explore the data and obtain valuable information on different platforms (PC or mobile devices) with a uniform user experience. In addition, beyond the prototype, a significant technical contribution was made to the 3D standard glTF 1.0 (GL Transmission Format). The glTF standard has been the most popular transport format for 3D data on the Internet since 2016, less than a year after the release of version 1.0, and is enjoying steadily growing popularity. The vision of a “JPEG for 3D data” is thus within reach.
Software Campus partners: TU Darmstadt, Deutsche Post DHL
Implementation period:01.04.2014 – 31.03.2016