Fraunhofer-Verbund IUK-Technologie

With around 4,300 employees, the Fraunhofer ICT Group (Fraunhofer-Verbund IUK-Technologie) is the largest IT research organization in Europe and direct contact for companies and users.

The group consists of 21 member institutes that carry out applied research and development for a wide variety of industrial sectors in almost all areas of information technology in a total of ten business fields. The bundling of the competencies of all ICT institutes at the Fraunhofer Association in one group enables industry-specific, holistic and tailor-made IT solutions as well as competent technology consulting for industry, authorities, media, etc. from a single source. Employees in the group’s Berlin office support the communication between the institutes and industry as well as the media and coordinate the joint market development and strategy development of the member institutes.

Furthermore, the association brings together industry, research and politics on current and future-oriented topics by organizing relevant events in the IT sector.



So far, the following projects have been realised in cooperation with institutes of Frauenhofer-Verbund lUK-Technologie