Felix Beierle’s research stay in Asia

Together with his partners Deutsche Telekom AG and Technical University of Berlin, participant Felix Beierle is doing his PhD project DYNAMIC on dynamic social graphs in distributed online social networks.

As part of the Software Campus research project, he went to Tokyo, Japan on a research visit from the end of October to mid-November 2016. There, he visited Prof. Akiko Aizawa‘s group at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) and worked together with Prof. Jöran Beel on the project Mr. DLib, which offers recommendations as a service for digital libraries. At pilot partner GESIS – Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences it is already in use in the search engine Sowiport. During his stay Felix researched how many recommendations should be displayed to website visitors.

Felix then traveled on to China. He had already had the professional opportunity to participate in a conference there last year, the ACM MobiHoc 2015 in Hangzhou. There he met two professors from chairs in Shanghai and Hong Kong. During this year’s research trip, he visited the groups of those two professors and presented the results of his Software Campus research project. In Shanghai, this was Prof. Yang Chen‘s research group at Fudan University, which focuses on the analysis of location-based social networks. In Hong Kong, Felix visited the chair of Prof. Pan Hui at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), where not only social networking related topics but also Augmented Reality is currently researched.

According to Felix, the international cooperation offered the opportunity to both gain valuable academic experience and to experience other working environments. “I look forward to potential future collaborations and hope to see them again soon,” he adds.

Further information on the research project here

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