VHB Writers Workshop


Improve your Vorhabensbeschreibung (VHB) – give feedback and get feedback.



The workshop group consists of five people. Each participant brings her/his VHB and selects a part from it to be discussed, e.g. problem description, work packages or financial plan with a maximum length of four pages. Each VHB is read by all upfront (preparation time 30-60 Mins in total) and will be commented during the workshop.


Each VHB is discussed in a one hour session. Each session is moderated by another participant. The author presents his VHB shortly at the beginning, answers questions regarding the content if necessary and then becomes the fly in the wall. The other four workshop participants discuss their comments on the VHB – the author does not interfer or justify his VHB, she/he just listens and takes notes.


Each author gets valuable feedback on his VHB:
– Is this understandable to people outside the field?
– How can the feedback from the industry partner or professor be integrated?
– Solutions for uncertainties, etc.
You will work together with other particpants of Software Campus 2021s batch and explore a new method of reviewing.

Date & time period

The workshop will be held on two consecutive days, two papers will be discussed on the first day, three on the second day. The workshop will take place between September 27 and 29. Depending on how many particpants are interested we will set up several dates or parallel sessions.

Language & Tool

The workshop will be held in German or English as required via Microsoft Teams.

Please register until September 16.