From November 18th to 19th, 2024, the Software Campus community met for the annual summit event in Berlin. Dr Stephan Pfisterer from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research welcomed programme participants, alumni, partners and representatives of the DLR Project...
Starting a business while studying: Omar El Nahhas shares his experiences
PhD student Omar El Nahhas is doing his doctorate at TU Dresden, has been a Software Campus participant since 2023 - and he did gain some experiences within the field of founding during his bachelor's degree. For our article series “Behind the Code” Dr. Natalia...
How to Foster the Adoption of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
Although data privacy is a crucial topic, given how many digital technologies we use every day, assuring it from a technical perspective can still be a challenging task. While data protection regulations such as the GDPR provide a legal mandate and guidance for...
Training ‘Successful negotiating in a professional context’ at TRUMPF
Negotiating is part of everyday life as well as work life, sometimes on a small scale or over major subjects. While some do already have the right tools for negotiating successfully, for others, it's a struggle. Software Campus participants learn how to navigate...
New 2024 cohort in the starting blocks
IThis year, we are welcoming a total of 44 new doctoral students in computer science to the Software Campus. After spring 2024 was dedicated to the application and selection process, the new cohort has now been accepted into the programme. On 2 September, all...
Cooperation extended with IFI programme
Building Bridges Mit großer Spannung haben wir auf den Start eines besonderen und neuen Trainings gewartet. Nun ist es soweit, die Workshopsaison von Bosch – einem unserer jüngsten Software Campus Partner – hat begonnen. Am 09. 10. Juli 2024 haben 12 Teilnehmende des Software Campus am Training „Fit for Business with the big 5: ABBA, Change, Pitch, Innovation Entrepreneurship” im Bosch Hauptsitz in Stuttgart-Feuerbach teilgenommen.
First Workshop at Bosch
Building Bridges
Since Bosch became our industry partner earlier this year, it is exciting news that their Software Campus training season has finally started.
From the 9th to the 10th of July,2024, 12 Software Campus participants attended the training “Fit for Business with the big 5: ABBA, Change, Pitch, Innovation & Entrepreneurship” at the Bosch headquarters in Stuttgart-Feuerbach.
New networking communities kicked off
Software Campus participants not only benefit from specialised training and funding for their own research project, but also from networking with each other and with companies, our industry partners in the program. A new environment for collaborative exchange and...
Entrepreneurship Workshop at K.I.E.Z.
Ready to take off
For the first time, we did organize an entrepreneurship workshop in collaboration with K.I.E.Z. in Berlin for 20 participants from the 15th to the 16th of May 2024.
The first day began with a short Q&A Session, to visualize and substantiate every participant’s expectation, and to make the workshop more individual and interactive. Followed by an introduction into the topic entrepreneurship.
New MOOC: „Eco-Tech: Decoding IT’s impact on a sustainable future”
What contribution can technologies make to tackling the climate crisis? We are exploring this question in a newly produced online course (MOOC), which is available since April 2024 at 9 experts from various fields provide insights into the connections...
Alumnus Felix Beierle as Postdoc in Tokyo with the German Academic Exchange Service
From Berlin to Tokyo
After the promotion at the Technische Universität Berlin – Software Campus, since mid-2022, the alumnus Dr. Felix Beierle does research at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) with the IFI-Program funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Tokyo. The IFI-Program of DAAD boosts the international mobility of German experts with scholarships; since 2021, there has been a collaboration between Felix Beierle and the Software Campus.
Bosch becomes a Software Campus partner
We would like to say a warm welcome to one of our latest Partners in our network, Robert Bosch GmbH, which has been part of the program since 01 January, they did join again.
Celonis is a new partner of Software Campus
We welcome a new industry partner to the program: Celonis joined the Software Campus as a partner on 1 January 2024. The company is the global market leader in the field of process mining, and empowers companies to pilot their business processes intelligently and data...
Summit at ZEISS: Broad program from science slam to founder pitches to leadership discussion
On 29 and 30 June 2023, program participants, partners and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as well as the DLR project management agency met for the summit at the ZEISS Innovation Hub @ KIT. A total of 21 participants presented their research projects as...
New application phase starts with online event
The Software Campus is seeking its new class! Our application platform will be open again from 1 February to 17 March 2024. If you are a PhD student in computer science or a related subject and want to enhance your leadership skills, the Software Campus offers you a...
Next Generation 2023
On September 12th, 2023, almost 30 participants and representatives of the DLR-Projektträger participated in this year’s kick-off in Berlin.The initial warmth and inspiring welcome by Stefan Jazdzejewski (Project Initiator) and our host Marc Reznicek (Forum Digital...
Software Campus supports Common Grounds Forum
Who will shape the digital policy of tomorrow? Who is asked? And who has a say? The Common Grounds Forum (CGF) supports young people between the ages of 16 and 35 to get involved in the discussion - whether they are activists, researchers or students. The Common...
Exchange and knowledge transfer again in the spirit of the Software Campus
The Software Campus Summit finally took place again on site on May 19 and 20 after a long break of more than two years. DATEV as one of the industry partners of the program sponsored the event and invited to the IT Campus in Nuremberg. There, nearly 120 visitors came...
Software Campus Summit June 29/30, 2023 in Karlsruhe
Der Summit ist die zentrale Veranstaltung des Software Campus, um alle Beteiligten des Programms zusammenzubringen. Eingeladen sind alle Teilnehmenden – ob das Projekt 2023 erst startet, gerade läuft oder bereits abgeschlossen ist. Der Projektträger sowie...
Software Campus begins a new application round with more intensive networking, a higher funding budget and a new training format
On 14.03.2023 a new round of applications will start in the Software Campus: We are looking for leadership talents with a background in technology. Within the funding program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), researchers together with...